Part 1: Naval Combat¶
As long as you have the Morrigan upgraded a little, the naval part of this fort liberation is actually not too difficult. The fort is fairly exposed to attack in its location and as such give players plenty of room to manoeuvre around. The only thing that makes it slightly more difficult is the presence of a brig and a couple of gunships. If you can kite them away from the fort’s mortars before dispatching them, the fort itself should not put up much of a challenge. Once you have cleared out the three defence towers, dock at the area indicated.
Part 2: Infiltrate¶
Upon docking, use the scaffolding to the left of the main gate to access the wall of the fort. Follow it to the left until you find the first powder reserve. Blow this up. Climb the stairs to reach the platform above the powder store and follow the inner fort’s wall around to find a tower with the sniper we need to kill in it. Dispatch him. Grab his rifle and look beneath the wooden walkway nearby – you should be able to use the guards weapon to hit the second powder store from here (if not, you’ll need to get into pistol range).
Use the scaffolding next to the gate to enter the fort stealthily (left). From the sniper tower, you should be able to spot the second powder barrel (right).
Finally run up to the main structure in the fort, cruise inside and kill the captain to complete the takeover.
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