With there being 10 maps in total in Dead Island 2, each connected via a string of checkpoints to move to another map, a fast travel system is necessary, especially since you will be backtracking to and from several of the map areas. However, it takes a while before you unlock the fast travel system in Dead Island 2. The purpose of this page is to make you aware so you can freely travel back and forth between mission areas. That way, you can easily return to get missed keys, journals, quests and other content without several loadings screens.
Here is how to unlock fast travel in Dead Island 2.
How to Unlock Fast Travel in Dead Island 2¶
You need to know that Fast Travel unlocks around the halfway point in the main story progressions. You will earn this after meeting with the new safe zone survivors in Venice Beach. You will know you’re on this mission as the main story mission is called the Red Mist.
For those looking into this much earlier, the general main story mission progress goes something along this:
- Prologue Plane Crash
- Bel-Air
- Halperin Hotel
- Bel-Air
- Beverly Hills
- Monarch Studios
- Beverly Hills
- Bel-Air
- Brentwood Sewers
- Venice Beach - Red Mist level
The main story will take you through this order of maps. Once you get to Venice Beach and complete the Red Mist mission, you will find the fast travel map is inside the new safe zone, and you can use it to travel to these destinations.
How to use Dead Island 2’s Fast Travel¶
If you’ve played The Witcher 3, you know how the fast travel system works. You need to be at the Fast Travel post, which is typically signpost on the map or a fast travel map inside a safe house. You can find these on each map by looking for this icon . Each DI2 map has at least one fast travel point, with some maps having two. For example, Brentwood Sewers has two signposts, making it easy to access various parts of that very long and large level. While some of the smaller residential areas only need one.
As you progress through the game, you will unlock more fast travel points for maps you have already unlocked. You will also naturally find fast travel points for the the maps you have yet to uncover at the point of unlocking fast travel at the end of the Red Mist level.
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