If you entered via the secret passage you should be clear to the Golem Master, make it your top priority. If not then beware the traps strewn across the floor as you kill more Darkspawn. Rush to the east and kill the Golem Master, essentially killing the Stone Golems. Loot it for the Golem Control Rod and continue east then use the rod on the Inert Golem and follow it’s lead. The southern end has a chest, while the northern has some scrolls containing Masterpiece Paralyze Rune Tracing and Paragon Paralyze Rune Tracing. Follow the path east and then south, making sure to check the western alcove for a pile of bones holding a Cracked Breastplate and scrolls for Masterpiece Cold Iron Rune Tracing and Paragon Cold Iron Rune Tracing.
As you go back east defeat the Corrupted Spiders and check the note for Codex 272: A Scout’s Report. The south room has a chest but the hall that is adjacent has a Disciple Scout. Defeat it and enter the room to find more Darkspawn. The scrolls in the back are for Gravity Trap Plans and the Moldy Journal is Codex 229: Dailan’s Journal . Continue north and check the rooms to the east for a Lyrium-Infused Skeleton that holds Lyrium Sand , an item that gives the quest “ Bombs Away! “, and a crate. The other room holds a chest containing Masterpiece Immunity Rune Tracing, Paragon Immunity Rune Tracing and a Lyrium Ring ; the wall carving is Codex 168: The Fortress of Kal’Hirol.
Examine the Skeleton to begin the quest “Bombs Away!”. Head into the other room for plenty of items and another codex.
Push north and fight off the last Darkspawn in this area. The Emissary drops a Staff of Vigor and Shattered Maul. Grab them and check the crate then make your way to the Kal’Hirol Trade Quarter.
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