Soporific Grease Buff
Solidified grease made from a mixture of light-purple materials. Craftable item.
Coats armament, inflicting sleep.
The effect lasts only for a short time.
Soporific Grease is a craftable consumable item that can be used to coat an armament inflicting Sleep.
Map Locations
- 3x
Soporific Grease are locatewd under a fallen structure in northern Liurnia.
- 2x Soporific Grease can be obtained from a body in the destroyed camp across the stone pillar.
- 2x Soporific Grease can be found in Leyendell, Royal Capital on the ground. Beware of the enemies nearby. Map Link
To craft Soporific Grease you will require the Fevor’s Cookbook [2] and the following ingredients:
- Trina’s Lily x1
- Root Resin x1
- String x1
Notable Info
- Hold up to 10
Soporific Grease
- Store up to 600 Soporific Grease
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