After you leave Kadara Port for the first time, return to find an Angaran named Jataa standing near some crates near the Outcast Headquarters. Talk to her and, after a rough reception, she’ll tell you about her problems. Her sister, Morga, went missing and she needs somebody to help her look for her. Perhaps somebody with a super special scanner? To finish this simple quest, head south to find some grates west of Kralla’s Song, then scan the ground below the grates until you find the outline of a body. Scan the body (the navpoint really takes all the bother out of this quest) then return to Jataa and deliver the news. For this trivial task you’ll earn 29 AVP, +2% Kadara viability and 270 XP.
Scan the floor of the marketplace to locate Morga (left) then give her sister the bad news (right).
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