Like animals in real life, wild Pokemon can be found in a variety of different habitats. If you’re planning to catch them all, you must be able to distinguish between these habitats. Below, we’ve listed all the important ones you’ll find in Unova.
Tall Grass¶
Left: Normal grass. Right: Dark grass.
Since the days of Pokemon Red/Blue, the first place you’ll encounter wild Pokemon is in the tall grass. Simply run through the tall grass and a wild Pokemon may appear to attack you. Black and White have added a few complications to the mix though.
Firstly, many areas now feature “ dark grass “ or “double grass”, which can be identified by being a slightly darker shade than normal tall grass. Pokemon found in dark grass are usually higher Level than their regular counterparts and often appear in pairs, sparking a double battle.
Keep an eye out (and ears out) for the shaking grass: a rare Pokemon could be hiding!
Secondly, on occasions, a particular tile of tall grass may shake violently and you can even listen out for the sound of its shaking. Running into this shaking grass will automatically trigger an encounter with a rare Pokemon–one usually not found in the grass normally.
Beware that encountering a wild Pokemon before reaching the shaking grass will stop the grass from shaking. A good tip, if you’re desperate to avoid interruption, is to use a Repel–doing so will stop random Pokemon encounters, but not shaking grass encounters.
Unlike shaking grass, you don’t always find Pokemon in dust clouds.
Inside caves, every floor tile behaves like tall grass, so no place is safe from wild Pokemon. In addition, sometimes dust clouds will appear on the floor and these act like shaking grass, except you may obtain an item instead of a wild Pokemon.
Surf straight into the rippling water for a chance to encounter more beastly mons!
As soon as you obtain HM03 Surf (which is not very soon, since you need to beat the 6th Gym first), you can encounter wild Pokemon just by skating around on the surface of water.
By now, it’s probably no surprise that there’s a water variant of shaking grass: rippling water . Rippling water behaves exactly like shaking grass, granting you rarer Pokemon than usual.
It may not be obvious, but you can use the Super Rod where there’s rippling water.
Finally, after you’ve beaten the game, you’ll receive the Super Rod , allowing you to fish for Pokemon in any body of water. Simply wait for an exclamation mark to appear above your character’s head, then quickly press the A button to reel in your catch before it’s too late.
The surprise here is that you can fish straight into rippling water too, to ensnare Pokemon of a more elusive calibre.
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