Demon Statues are exactly as the name describes, as they are large statues of demons that were punished because of trying to fight against God. However, some of their power still remains behind and if you investigate them, you will be able to strengthen your own demons. What they actually do is give all demons in your party and stock enough experience to reach their next level, whether they needed 5 EXP or 50,000 EXP. Thus, it’s a good idea to fight random encounters if your demons are close to leveling, so they can fully utilize the Demon Statues’ gift. They are pretty large, so if you’re exploring properly, you will undoubtedly easily find them.
Demon Statue 1 - Decarabia¶
(1 of 2) The location of Demon Statue #1 on the map
The location of Demon Statue #1 on the map (left), Demon Statue #1 in the game (right)
Located in Minato - Akabanebashi. The first Demon Statue you can find won’t be until after defeating Hydra at Tokyo Tower. Once you do that, look for the path to the southwest of the actual tower, which will split into two further paths. One will lead to the location where you have to go for The Cursed Mermaids quest, while the other path leads a bigger area to explore. Start heading down the former path (the one leading to the Mermaids) and not far down it, you should see the large Demon Statue. Simply walk up to it and interact with the statue to get the levels for all demons in your party and current stock.
Demon Statue 2 - Anzu¶
(1 of 2) The location of Demon Statue #2 on the map
The location of Demon Statue #2 on the map (left), Demon Statue #2 in the game (right)
Located in Minato - Shiba. Similar to the previous Demon Statue, you won’t be able to get this until you’ve defeated Hydra. Like before, head down the path southwest of the Tokyo Tower, but instead of using the one leading to the Mermaids quest, take the other one. This leads to a long path that eventually brings you to a dead end. Climb the ledge at the end of the path and you should see the Demon Statue spot right in front of you.
Demon Statue 3 - Baphomet¶
(1 of 2) The location of Demon Statue #3 on the map
The location of Demon Statue #3 on the map (left), Demon Statue #3 in the game (right)
Located in Minato - Onarimon. To the east of the Kamiyacho Leyline, there is a path that leads up the mountain, which will be the Onarimon area. When you get to the path split here, take the path that goes straight south, instead of the one that heads a little east, then bends to the south. As you take the western of the two paths south, you will eventually see a little alcove, where you will see both the Demon Statue and Miman #36.
Demon Statue 4 - Mothman¶
Located in Minato - Onarimon. This Demon Statue is a little tricky to find, as it’s on a ledge you can to drop down to via the top of the mountain. From the Onarimon Leyline, take the path leading to the top of the mountain there, which is where you encountered the Abscess. While up there, look at your map and you should see another path extending farther south. To get on that path, look for the large rock jutting out on the southern side of the area and jump down. This will put you on a separate path that has some Mimans and is used for The Demon of the Spring quest.
(1 of 2) The location of Demon Statue #4 on the map
The location of Demon Statue #4 on the map (left), You will have to drop down here to reach Demon Statue #4 (right)
As you head south, stop right about when the rocks clear on the western side of the cliff’s edge, but before you reach the little lake area at the end. If you take a glance over the western edge of the cliff, you should see the familiar “glow” from the Demon Statues on a ledge below you. That will be the Demon Statue you’re looking for, so just carefully drop down and extract its powers.
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