Quest Information | . |
Location: | Monarch - Stellar Bay |
How to Start: | Talk to Talmadge Kerr |
(1 of 3) Talk to Talamadge Kerr to learn about a murder.
In a large building along the southern end of Stellar Bay you’ll find an apartment complex, outside of which you’ll find Talmadge Kerr screaming bloody murder. Or, well, rather screaming about a bloody murder. Ask him what happened, then head into the apartment complex, south down a hallway between some stairs and vending machines, then left (east) through a doorway. Merely entering the apartment here is enough to start the quest The Stainless Steel Rat. Looks like you’ll need to have a look around to get to the bottom of this.
Put on your sheriff’s hat and get to work! Read a letter on a table in the middle of the apartment, which indicates that the murder victim had been betting recently and a satchel in the southeastern corner of the apartment, which is stuffed with clothes. Apparently the victim knew something bad was coming and planned to leave.
(1 of 2) Talk to Nell and she’ll finger a suspect
Talk to Nell and she’ll finger a suspect (left), then head behind the fishery warehouse to find the murder weapon in a bin. (right)
Well, you only have one real lead, so make your way to the northwestern edge of Stellar Bay to find the Left Field Tossball Betting building, inside of which you’ll find Nell. Ask her about the victim and she’ll identify him as Isaac, who did indeed have a bit of a gambling problem, and may have ended up owing the wrong people money. The wrong people in this case means a man named Elijah, a Sublight contractor operating out of Fallbrook.
When he’s not murdering people, Elijah can be found near the landing pad, but first, take a detour to get something that may help you resolve this quest. Make your way to the warehouse at the northern end of Stellar Bay, run through it and exit out the back (northern end) and search a bin to the west to find a Broken Tossball Stick. Hello, murder weapon.
(1 of 3) Either convince Elijah to leave
With that bit of evidence in your hot little hands, make your way to the southeastern gate and from where Agnes is sitting, head northeast down an alley and around some crates to find Elijah and his crew. Call him out for Isaac’s murder and he’ll outright admit it before demanding proof. Pass an [Intimidate 55] and an [Intimidate 35] check to scare Elijah off, show him the murder weapon, or just pick a fight (trying to back down will also provoke them). If you kill them you’ll gain negative reputation with Sublight Salvage, so it might not be the ideal way to go about things.
To finish this quest up, talk to Sanjar and report your deeds to gain XP, 625 Bits and positive MSI reputation.
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