When Chloe has reached her destination, you begin the first chapter in an alley. You’ll receive a photo from an unknown number on your cell phone, which will be automatically added to your photo collection. The picture is of a red door, your only clue as to where you need to go.
Head forward through the alley and turn right, then head left at the next corner, ignoring the stone steps. Keep following the path until you’re interrupted by a vehicle full of soldiers speeding past to apprehend someone in the street. There’s nothing you can do here, so head left until you reach a barricade with some insurgents blocking your route. As you try to pass them, they’ll stop you, only to be called away with no choice but to let you go.
(1 of 2) Get through the insurgents
Get through the insurgents (left), Reach the red door (right)
Follow the path around – you’ll come to a silver fence, and the red door you need to reach is in the distance on the other side. You can focus on it by pushing L3 on the left analogue.
Go right from here and keep going until you reach a dead-end. To your left will be an opening to crawl through – simply approach it to have Chloe automatically crouch down. Push your way past the chain-link fence, then go around the corner to your right to find two soldiers patrolling the area.
Press circle to take cover behind the wall and wait for them to separate. One of them will take a seat on the wall and you’ll be prompted to attack him stealthily. To do this, press square, and Chloe will knock him unconscious. Hop over the wall and follow the second man down the small alley to the left to stealth attack him, too.
(1 of 2) Chloe will automatically crouch to crawl through small spaces
Chloe will automatically crouch to crawl through small spaces (left), Stealth attack enemies with square (right)
Crouch through the small space in front of you. The red door you’ve been trying to get to is only a few feet away from here, so sneak past the insurgents talking by their truck. You’ll be prompted with the triangle button to picklock the door.
The gist of it is to turn the dial with the left analogue stick until your controller vibrates, and then hold it in place until it clicks. You can easily follow the on-screen instructions as prompted until you’re successful, and a short scene will see Chloe sneak through the door and receive another anonymous text.
This time, your next objective is something called ‘Pink Lotus’. It’s not too obscure, though – it’s literally a giant neon sign. But first, you need to make your way through the building.
Descend the stairs and go straight under the rubble; turn left and hoist yourself up until you reach more stairs, and take those to the top to go through some double doors. There are three men patrolling the area with flashlights – you can either sneak past them or fight your way through.
Go to your immediate left and through the hole in the wall. Jump through the hole in the wall opposite, and head right to find the stairs leading up to the roof. You can ignore every other room in this building.
(1 of 2) A white meter will appear above an enemy’s head when you are in danger of being spotted
A white meter will appear above an enemy’s head when you are in danger of being spotted (left), Find the stairs to the roof to the right of the hole in the wall (right)
If you push past the laundry, a plane will fly overhead to reveal something gruesome in the distance. Head left to the ladders on the building and make your way up and over the roof to the giant neon sign that says ‘Pink Lotus’.
(1 of 2) The scene of the war below
The scene of the war below (left), Find the Pink Lotus sign (right)
Once you land on the other side, however, you’ll be engaged in a brawl with some insurgents. Don’t worry, though, as Nadine Ross will suddenly appear as your surprise unknown contact to help you out.
Once the cutscene ends, so does chapter one.
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