Grab any vehicle you like and check your map for the objective and set a waypoint to meet up with Jordi’s friend in trouble. You want to make it to the man without being spotted by the police scans. To do this, simply stay out of the yellow search zones or leave asap if one pops up on your location. These are easy to avoid in a vehicle, but almost impossible to get out of on foot in the search time. If you are spotted, lead the police on a chase and lose them in the alleys and/or switch vehicles.
Avoid the police scans (left) and pick up Jordi’s fixer friend (right).
Once you reach the Fixer you will take over his car and have to exit the zone quietly or fail the mission. The purple bars on your mini-map indicate police roadblocks that result in an instant fail and there are police cars and a helicopter searching the area. While it is possible to get out of the area quickly with some offensive driving, taking it slow and using the alleys is the best way to get out without being spotted.
Start by leaving the garage and turning right to head south. The police on the main road will be looking around, so wait for them to head off and take the side streets and alleys south. You can get back on the main road after passing the first police car, but don’t get too ahead of yourself and think that you’re home free. Just before you reach the far south end of the map a police car will pop out and turn the corner, so instead of heading all the way south you will want to take one of the side streets east to reach exit the area.
Escape the police by using back alleys (left) and meet up with your contact in The Loop (right).
Once you escape the police’s search area you are free to speed demon it to the final waypoint, but just make sure that the car and the Fixer make it there in one piece.
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