Similar to the aforementioned courier missions, these activities will appear randomly and for the most part, only in the larger cities (Kingston, Havana and Nassau) and on a select few of the larger islands in the world map (Principe, Cumberland Bay, Misteriosa, etc.).
The side activities themselves consist of rescuing or helping a group of pirates who have found themselves in trouble with the local authorities. The pirate rescue side activities are marked with a circular icon with a group of three people on it. There are a number of different permutations to this side-task and they include the following:
Hanging – Saving a pirate from a hanging can be done by approaching and interacting with him before he dies, or alternatively shooting the rope.
Prisoners – These pirates are on their knees being held at gunpoint. You will need to sneak up and kill the Gunners holding their weapons on the pirates before freeing them.
Escorts – Guards will be escorting groups of prisoners through the streets. Approach and kill the guards before rescuing the prisoners.
Brawl – A group of pirates and guards will be attacking each other. Enter the fray and help the pirates kill the guards to free them.
Each pirate rescue is slightly different so scout out the place before wading in. Always try and remove the guards pointing guns at the pirates first.
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