Daurell Stills Fishing Spots
The Daurell Stills fishing spot is a location in the game Final Fantasy XV where players can fish for a variety of fish. It is located in the southern part of the Duscae region, just south of the
Daurell Caverns dungeon.
The fishing spot consists of a small lake surrounded by rocky cliffs and trees. The water is calm and clear, and the surrounding environment is peaceful and serene. The area is also home to various wildlife, such as birds and deer.
Fish that can be caught at the Daurell Stills include the Galdin Trevally, the
Giant Trevally, the
Nebula Salmon, and the
Platinum Myrltrout. Players can also encounter a few unique fish species, such as the elusive
Liege of the Lake, which can only be caught at certain times of the day and under specific weather conditions.
Overall, the Daurell Stills fishing spot is a beautiful and tranquil location that provides a relaxing and rewarding fishing experience for players of Final Fantasy XV.
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