This challenge is a little more difficult as you have no Medi-Gel at all so you cannot afford to get hit too much. Keeping your shields at full strength should be top priority. If you are using Energy Drain as your bonus power, fight against Cerberus and you won’t have to worry too much.
The only people who need to worry are those who want to complete this challenge on Insanity. As enemies on this difficulty can kill you very quickly, Energy Drain is almost imperative here. You can then take a few more risks than you would ordinarily to maximise your score.
On the final wave, launch grenades into the spawn zone to take out Dragoons and damage the Atlases before they get a chance to strike.
Should you decide to fight Super Elite enemies, Cerberus are definitely the best faction to go up against. You can rack up massive scores via killstreaks, especially if you choose an all-tech squad like EDI and Garrus. It is possible to “break the scoreboard” this way by smashing the 9999 barrier. Be aware though that you will be bombarded by Engineers and Dragoons so swarm the spawn zones and use grenades and other area of effect abilities.
Upon completion of the match, you will gain +5 Reputation .
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