Sons of The Forest is a sequel to The Forest and it was finally launched on February 24th 2023. As you may already know if you played the previous game you’ll need to create shelter to avoid the cannibals, so an upgraded axe will make the process of acquiring wood easier. This page will navigate you through the necessary steps to find the Modern Axe.
Collect the Modern Axe from the corpse.
How to Get Modern Axe in Sons of the Forest¶
The Modern Axe has an increased cutting speed and deals more damage then the Tactical Axe which is great for harvesting wood and taking out Cannibals/Animals. However, its movement speed will be slightly decreased. Additionally, you can use the axe for attacking, but it’s better then you find and use a weapon that’s better equipped for combat, such as Guns or a Spear.
Now the location of the Modern Axe is at a small camp near the snowy mountain. Follow the stream along and you’ll come across a camp which is situated between a GPS locator (Purple Icon) where you get the Flashlight and one of the story markers (Green Circle). After you’ve successfully dodged all the threats and arrived at the camp, go towards the corpse that’s leaning against a tent and you’ll be able to obtain the Modern Axe from their body.
You can also locate the Modern Axe on our Interactive Map right here.
(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map
Head to this location on the map (left), Hold Right Click in to block. (right)
Make use of the nearby tent to save and sleep, then return to your base and make use of the shiny new axe to improve your base. Between your faster cutting speed and getting Kelvin to harvest, then your wood will stack up a lot faster than before! If you find yourself getting attacked, then be sure to hold in
to block whilst attacking a couple times before retreating again.
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