This Assignment takes place during during the core mission on Noveria. You’ll need to gain access to the main floor of the port before this can be accepted.
(1 of 2) Head to the hotel at Port Hanshan to find Calis at the entrance
Head to the hotel at Port Hanshan to find Calis at the entrance (left), she will ask you to assist her in dealing with a competitor named Vargas. (right)
How to Begin¶
Once you head to Noveria you’ll need to deal with Anoleis so that you can leave and head to Peak 15. Once you’ve taken the elevator up from the docking bay, make your way up to the hotel. As you leave the entrance, you’ll be hailed by Calis who asks for your assistance. There are several ways this Assignment can play out, depending on who you deal with.
Dealing with Calis¶
During your conversation with Calis, you’ll have a number of ways in which you can respond, these will impact how the Assignment plays out (if at all).
When being offered the Assignment, you can refuse to take part and earn +8 Paragon but no XP or Credits.
Agree to help Calis, but then speak to her again and tell her you quit to earn +2 Paragon and XP, but no credits.
(1 of 3) You can choose to quit at any point for some Paragon points
Dealing with Vargas¶
Any other outcome will have you dealing with Vargas himself which opens up more possibilities:
Inform Vargas of Calis’ plan and he will thank you, giving you more background information. From here, return to Calis and she’ll rue your interference and make a run for it, earning +2 Paragon and XP, but no Credits.
When speaking to Vargas, keep him talking using the Charm and Intimidate options until the device makes a sound. Excuse yourself at this point and return to Calis for your reward in Credits (increased with Charm or Intimidate) and earn +2 Renegade.
When speaking to Vargas, inform him of Calis’ plan and then return to Calis. Inform Calis that you told Vargas, deciding that neither corporation is worth your time and earn +2 Renegade and no Credits.
When speaking to Vargas, inform him of Calis’ plan and then return to Calis. This time around, lie to Calis to trick her into thinking you’ve done your end of the bargain and even Charm or Intimidate for an even greater reward. You’ll receive XP, Credits and earn +9 Renegade for this.
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