This page offers a guide on how to unlock Switch Skills and how to swap out your Switch Skills. You’ll also find a complete list of all Switch Skills unlocked in the first Switch Skills set.
Switch Skills are unlocked via Master Utsushi.
What are Switch Skills?¶
Switch Skills are a new feature introduced in Monster Hunter Rise which allow the player to switch out different skills and moves. There are three switch skill sets for each weapon, meaning three sets of two skills that you can swap between.
Unlocking the First Switch Skills Set¶
The first time you unlock switch skills, you’ll be given new skills for every weapon. To unlock these, you’ll need to reach 3☆ in Village Quests or 2☆ in Hub Quests. When you’ve reached either milestone, speak to Master Utsushi, found at the Gathering Hub.
Changing Switch Skills¶
You can swap your switch skills at any item box in the game. However, you might want to head over to the Training Area and use the item box there so you can try out your new skills!
(1 of 2) You can swap out your Switch Skills via the Item Box
You can swap out your Switch Skills via the Item Box (left), you can swap them out as many times as you like. (right)
When you’re in your in the item box, choose ‘Change Switch Skill’ and you’ll then be able to choose to switch a current move for a newly unlocked skill. You can do this with one skill for every weapon. Unlocking your second and third switch skills will require individual weapon progress.
Below you’ll find a list of your initial skills and the newly unlocked Switch Skills.
Weapon | Initial Skill | Switch Skill |
Great Sword | Tackle | Guard Tackle |
Long Sword | Soaring Kick | Silkbind Sakura Slash |
Sword and Shield | Advancing Slash | Sliding Slash |
Dual Blades | Demon Flurry Rush | Demon Flight |
Lance | Dash Attack | Shield Charge |
Gunlance | Hail Cutter | Ground Splitter |
Hammer | Silkbind Spinning Bludgeon | Dash Breaker |
Hunting Horn | Melody Mode: Performance | Melody Mode: Echo |
Switch Axe | Invincible Gambit | Soaring Wyvern Blade |
Insect Glaive | Tornado Slash | Tetraseal Slash |
Charge Blade | Condensed Element Slash | Condensed Spinning Slash |
Light Bowgun | Fanning Vault | Fanning Maneuver |
Heavy Bowgun | Mech-Wyvernsnipe | Healing Mech-Wyvernsnipe |
Bow | Charging Sidestep | Dodgebolt |
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