So you want to start rootin’ and tootin’ your way through the Fae realms and crafting ammunition for your guns? Then you’re going to need to get your hands on Gunpowder. Luckily for you, it is a fairly simple resource to make, and it’s also a resource you can find fairly often from certain enemies. Here’s a closer look at how to get Gunpowder in Nightingale and fill up your stockpile.
Here is how to make Gunpowder in Nightingale, featuring tips on gathering materials.
Where to find Gunpowder in Nightingale¶
Players can get their hands on Gunpowder in Nightingale via the Refined Masonry Bench. Make sure to purchase the recipe from the Essence Traders in the Provisioner Realms, alongside the Refined Saw Table and the Brazier, as you’ll make Carved Wood and other materials from the Brazier. Buy those recipes and then build them at your base.
Once the Refined Masonry Bench is created, you now need to select the Gunpowder recipe in the menu, and then acquire two Sulfur and two Coal. Thankfully, both of these materials are not too hard to find. You can find both of these materials often located inside caves in all realm types. The lower the realm score, the better, with it being most commonly found in the 10-40 range realms, as it shares fewer spawns. Coal is also in a similar situation. You can identify the Sulphur by its yellowish rock in caves, and Coal a hard black surface, which occasionally appears white with the game’s strange indoor lighting.
(1 of 2) Coal is a minable material in Nightingale, which you can often find inside low realm score caves and in dungeons across all realm scores.
Coal is a minable material in Nightingale, which you can often find inside low realm score caves and in dungeons across all realm scores. (left), Sulphur is another key item players can find in Nightingale. Check the caves in your lower realm score worlds alongside the dungeons in higher realm scores to find this needed item. (right)
Sulphur and Coal Locations¶
Saying that, you can often find it still in the large underground dungeons in realms, filled with Occupations and Bastilles of Intellect. These large caves tend to have quite a few realm score mineable ores and gems, alongside Coal, Sulfur, and other types of materials down there. There’s also evidence to say that Forest Gloom and Herbarium realms also have lots of caves and dungeons, meaning those realms can yield fairly high Sulfur and Coal needs, too, alongside other materials.
Once you have them, return to the Refined Masonry Bench, and place two Sulfur and Coal to create two Gunpowder. You can now use this to craft ammunition, as long as you have the right Augmentation unlocked and the recipe for the gun you want to craft, ammo is also unlocked.
It is also worth noting that players can find Bound Gunpowder from the flask-throwing enemies. These enemies typically tend to drop materials you can use as Gunpowder sources, enabling you to get materials that way. You can also occasionally find it in Provisioner Realms from looting landmarks and POIs, alongside materials like Oil and other such refined materials.
And there you have it; you now know how to get and use Gunpowder in Nightingale. Go forth and mine young Victorian and gather forth the materials for the industrial revolution.
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