On this page you can find all the details needed to defeat the Terminus Wrecker, the second boss in the Level 85 Dungeon, Vanaspati in Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker (FFXIV). Details on the mechanics along with how to tank and heal.
The Terminus Wrecker is the second boss in Vanaspati.
Meaningless Destruction¶
This will inflict group-wide damage on the entire party while a ring of fire surrounds the edge of the arena. Simply Heal/Shield up to deal with this attack.
Unholy Water¶
The Terminus Wrecker will spawn 6 water bubbles around the arena with equal distance between each other. Entering one of these bubbles will stun you, inflict Water Resistance Down and Fire Immunity.
Aether Siphon¶
The Terminus Wrecker will collect aether from either the fire or the water surrounding the arena, this will impact what attack it uses next.
Aether Spray - Water¶
This is a water-based knockback extending from the center of the arena. The Terminus Wrecker will use this when collecting water during Aether Siphon. Position yourself so that the knockback keeps you in the arena but between the bubbles, otherwise you will take major damage due to the Water Resistance Down effect.
Aether Spray - Fire¶
This is a fire-based attack that will hit the entire arena, quickly run over to the bubbles, and enter them to gain the Fire Immunity effect.
Total Wreck¶
This is a simple Tankbuster, ensure that you Heal/Shield the Tank and they use defensive cooldowns.
Poison Heart¶
The Terminus Wrecker will place a stack marker on a random party member, simply group up to split the damage.
The Terminus Wrecker is a simple second boss, especially once you understand how to avoid the Aether Spray attack, the only one that should cause any issues. It will always begin the battle with Meaningless Destruction, this is a group-wide attack that you should already be buffed for pre-battle. At the same time, a ring of fire will surround the arena, touching this will kill you so avoid it at all costs.
It will follow this up with Unholy Water, conjuring six water bubbles around the outer edge of the arena, whenever you walk into one of these, you’ll be stunned and gain Fire Immunity at the cost of Water Resistance down, remember this as it’s important for the next part of this battle. The Terminus Wrecker will turn to either the fire, or a pool of water just outside the arena and use Aether Siphon to consume it. Pay attention to which one it consumes to determine the next attack.
If it consumed the fire, Aether Spray will be hit the entire arena with a fire-based attack, quickly dash over to a bubble and stand inside it to gain Fire Immunity and avoid the attack. Note that every party member needs their own bubble, so be sure to avoid heading to the same one as another party member. If the Terminus Wrecker consumed water, Aether Spray will be a knockback from the center of the arena, position yourself so that you are pushed between the bubbles and not outside of the arena. If you’re positioning is off and you get pushed back into a bubble, you’ll take major damage due to the Water Resistance Down debuff.
After using each of the different Aether Sprays once, the Terminus Wrecker will alternate between them for the rest of the battle. Outside of this main mechanic, be sure that the Tank has defensive cooldowns ready for Total Wreck and the party gathers together for the Poison Heart stack marker.
How to Tank¶
The Terminus Wrecker is a simple boss for a Tank, you don’t need to control its positioning and all of the mechanics will affect the entire party outside of the usual Tankbuster, for which you should always have a defensive cooldown ready for. You’ll want to make sure you perform all the mechanics correctly, otherwise the stacks of Vulnerability can make it tough for the Healer to keep you up.
How to Heal¶
You’ll have to be ready for a lot of group healing/shielding in this battle as the majority of the Terminus Wrecker’s attacks will hit the entire party. Be sure to begin the battle with a party Regen/Shield as it will always begin with Meaningless Destruction, a group-wide attack. The Aether Spray phase is especially important to get right, failing these will often killing you, putting the entire party at risk.
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