This page will show you all the Openers, and Rotations for Machinist in patch 6.05 in Endwalker.
General Opener¶
Machinist General Opener.
- Precast Reassemble
5 seconds before the battle.
- At -1.5 seconds before pull, use a Tincture of Dexterity
- Cast Air Anchor
- Weave in Gauss Round
and Ricochet
- Cast Drill
- Weave in Barrel Stabilizer
- Cast Heated Split Shot
- Cast Heated Slug Shot
- Weave in Gauss Round
and Ricochet
- Cast Heated Clean Shot
- Weave in Reassemble
and Wildfire
- Cast Chain Saw
- Weave in Automaton Queen
and Hypercharge
- Cast Heat Blast
- Weave in Ricochet
- Cast Heat Blast
- Weave in Gauss Round
- Cast Heat Blast
- Weave in Ricochet
- Cast Heat Blast
- Weave in Gauss Round
- Cast Heat Blast
- Weave in Ricochet
- Cast Drill
- Finish by weaving in Gauss Round
and Ricochet
Machinist Level 90 Rotation¶
Machinist Rotation.
After the Opener, you’ll want to follow the rotation. This rotation comes in two parts. The “Odd Burst Phase” and the “Even Burst Phase”. The reason this changes, is because every two minutes, the rest of the party/raid will have their damage increasing buffs coming off cooldown, and this is when you’ll want to put out the most amount of damage that you can.
By looking at the infographic, you’ll see that the main difference is more Gauss Rounds, and Ricochets as well as Wildfire, and some more Heatblasts. This is why you need to hold on to your Gauss Rounds/Ricochets only using them in the Odd Phase to not cap their charges. One other thing to note is make sure you have at least 50 Heat going into the Even Burst Phase, and your first Even Burst Phase will overcap by 5 Heat. Finally, use Automaton Queen just before Air Anchor at the beginning of the Even Burst Phase.
Machinist Level 90 AoE Rotation¶
Coming Soon!
Damn, if you guys were gonna steal info, the least you could've done was credit the source.