When Exploring in Lords of the Fallen you may come across various NPCs who will require your aid. A lot of the favors they ask of you are purposefully obscure which will lead to you searching every nook and cranny of Mournstead. Fortunately, we have done a lot of the legwork for you, so read below to find out where to find and how to save the Petrified Woman and complete her quest line.
Can you find the Petrified Woman in Forsaken Fen?
Petrified Woman Location - First Meeting - Forsaken Fogfen¶
Your first meeting with the Petrified Woman is in Forsaken Fogfen. Proceed through the area until you reach the Vestige of Valade (Byron will be here as well if you spoke to him earlier). To the left of the Vestige is a door. The Petrified Woman can be found in the area on the other side of this door, but it can only be opened from the other side, so you’ll need to progress through the area. Take the path past the Vestige, and follow the linear path around to the left until you reach a fallen tree and a large bonfire behind it.
(1 of 3) From the Vestige of Valade. Follow the path up (past Byron if he’s there).
Head up the fallen tree while either defeating or running past the enemies (be careful of the Shura Warriors; when you attack one, the other two will join in.) and follow the path across the small wooden bridge to find the door mentioned earlier. Open up the door for a shortcut back to the Vestige. Now, head back across the bridge toward the large bonfire in the swamp, and look to the left. Here, you’ll find a small cave covered by vines. As you approach the cave, you’ll hear singing (how is she singing, she’s petrified?); attack the vines, and talk to her.
She will tell you her story, and beg for your aid. The story makes it sound like you need to head further into the Fen, but actually what you need to do is cast the Radiance Sanctify spell on her which will free her from her stony prison. You can find the Sanctify spell in a chest at the top of the tower in between the main hub and where you fought Pieta. After freeing her, exhaust her dialogue, and she’ll tell you to meet her by the bridge which leads to the next meeting with her. Make sure you reset the area and head back to the cave for the Radiance Catalyst “Wilmarc’s Catalyst” which was on the floor behind her.
(1 of 2) Head up the tree, and follow the path to find the shortcut door.
Head up the tree, and follow the path to find the shortcut door. (left), Go back toward the bonfire, and look left. There will be a cave in the distance with vines you’ll need to attack. The Petrified Woman is in that cave. (right)
Second Meeting - Skyrest¶
Although Kukajin may mention a bridge, she actually means Skyrest Bridge, and by Skyrest Bridge, she’s actually inside the hub…thanks for the wild goose chase. Anyway, you can find her in one of the holding cells in the middle of the hub (in between Gerlinde and Molhu), don’t worry, she’s not a prisoner, but it’s where she chose to stay. Speak to her and exhaust her dialogue, and she’ll offer you a service where you can summon her in exchange for Vigor.
(1 of 2) Defeat one of the listed bosses with Kukajin summoned.
Defeat one of the listed bosses with Kukajin summoned. (left), Then pay her the requested fee back at Skyrest. This will need to be done with each boss. (right)
There are seven bosses that you need to summon Kukajin to fight, and when her duty is complete, pay her in full at the hub after each one. You can summon her outside each boss’s door; she will be there as a bunch of moths. The bosses you need to summon her for are as follows:
Boss | Location | Kukajin Cost (Vigor) |
The Hushed Saint | Forsaken Fogfen | – |
Harrower Dervla, the Pledged Knight / The Unbroken Promise | Revelation Depths | 7,000 |
The Hollow Crow | Fief | 6,000 |
Tancred, Master of Castigations / Reinhold the Immured | Tower of Penance | 7500 |
Judge Cleric, the Radiant Sentinel | Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters: | – |
The Lightreaper | Upper Calrath | – |
The Sundered Monarch | Bramis Castle | – |
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