Head over to the P icon to begin the next Story Mission, Pearson wants you to go with Charles to help hunt some food for the camp. Charles hands over his Bow to you, this weapon is useful for quiet takedowns and when hunting for cleaner kills. Follow Charles until he stops near the river to check on some tracks. You’ll be introduced to Eagle Eye here, by pressing the [L3/LS] and [R3/RS] buttons together, you’ll highlight animal tracks. You can then press the [R1/RB] button to track this outside of Eagle Eye.
Do this on the nearby Deer track and begin following it while staying crouched, you’ll need to avoid spooking the Deer if you wish to obtain the Gold Medal. Carefully follow these tracks until you spot a Deer near the river. Draw the bow and then carefully aim at the neck or head for a clean kill, this will usually improve the quality of pelt you can obtain from the animal in question. A clean kill will also down the animal in one shot, a requirement for the Gold Medal.
(1 of 2) Use Eagle Eye to see the Deer tracks
Use Eagle Eye to see the Deer tracks (left), aim for the neck or head for a Clean Kill. (right)
With the Deer slain, pick up the tracks of another Deer and repeat the process, noting that you can call out to a Deer to raise it’s head and allow you easy access for a headshot. Once both are dead, head over to any of them to pick one up and then use the [Up Dpad] button to call your horse over to you. You can increase the whistle range by improving your bond with your current horse. Stow the Deer on the back of your horse and then meet with Charles to begin the ride back to the camp. Along the way, Charles will remark about a bear on the path, take heed and follow Charles along the side path to avoid an early grave. You should have no other troubles on your way back to the camp and complete the mission which will hopefully award you the easiest Gold Medal in the game.
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