This page offers a guide on how to find all revelio field guide pages in North Ford Bog in Hogwarts legacy. These specific field guide pages can only be found using the
Revelio spell - typically, these pages will be found in areas of interest and will give you a nice bit of lore.
Revelio Field Guide Page Locations in North Ford Bog¶
Use the link below for exact coordinates on where to find the field guide pages located in North Ford Bog. There are only two to collect, but they’re on opposite ends of the region!
Field Guide Page | Map Location |
Spider Sign | Map Marker |
Antique Horn | Map Marker |
Spider Sign Field Guide Page¶
This page can be found in Pitt-Upon-Ford in the north west region of North Ford Bog. Locate the signs on the board near the bridge - they’re warning you about the spider infestation across the river!
(1 of 2) This page can be found near the warning signs on the bridge in Pitt-Upon-Ford
This page can be found near the warning signs on the bridge in Pitt-Upon-Ford (left), the signs warn you of the infestation across the bridge! (right)
Antique Horn Field Guide Page¶
This page can be found in the far east region of North Ford Bog. More specifically, you’ll find it on a small dock - watch out for the poachers nearby that might spot you as you go for the revelio page.
(1 of 2) Find the revelio page on a small pier in the eastern portion of the region
Find the revelio page on a small pier in the eastern portion of the region (left), the page will give you some information on an antique horn! (right)
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