There are four friends you make during your time at Hogwarts, each one comes from a different house, and three of them have a lengthy side quest. Natsai Onai is a transfer student that is able to use wandless magic and has a sense of justice. Due to this, she is out to take down a dangerous man named Theophilus Harlow. The guide below goes over how to complete the very first Natsai quest in the game, The Lost Child.
The start of Natty’s quest line.
How to Start The Lost Child in Hogwarts Legacy¶
To start this quest, you must first complete Astronomy Class in the main story. This will unlock an owl mail from Natty that tells you to meet her in Lower Hogsfield. Once there, you continue your investigation of Harlow.
How to Complete The Lost Child in Hogwarts Legacy¶
Follow Natty into the small village. You will see a distressed woman wandering around. This is Mrs. Bickle. After talking to her, it’s revealed that Mr. Bickle was killed and that their son is missing. Mr.s Bickle sends you into the forest to check Arhcie’s fort. Use Revelio to search the area for clues and follow Archie’s footprints until you run into a pack of wolves.
(1 of 2) Use Revelio on the fort.
Use Revelio on the fort. (left), Defeat the mongrels that ambush you. (right)
Once the wolves are dealt with, follow the quest marker and look for Archie’s satchel in a nearby tree, you will need to use Revelio again to start following his tracks. Eventually, you will come across a camp of Ashwinders, defeat them, and head inside of their tent. This is a large area, but you simply need to push forward, defeating the enemies until you reach Archie. Once you do, use Alohomora to open the lock, and after speaking with him, the quest will move you back to the village.
After this, speak with Mrs. Bickle, and then use the wait option on your map to get the next owl mail from Natty to appear.
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