This page offers a guide on how to solve the Statue Puzzle during the E-vase-ive Manoeuvre, which is a side quest you can accept in the hamlet of Irondale, within the
Feldcroft Region.
How to Start E-vase-ive Manoeuvre Side Quest¶
To begin this quest, you’ll first need to locate the hamlet of Irondale, which is found in the eastern portion of the Feldcroft region. Then, you’ll need to find Althea Twiddle, a sweet old lady found nearby the Irondale Floo Flame. When you speak to her, she’ll ask you to investigate a statue nearby and solve its puzzle.
Althea Twiddle tells you about a puzzle-y statue nearby!
How to Solve Althea Twiddle’s Statue Puzzle¶
Once you’ve spoken to Althea, head southwest to find the statue in question. It’s found amongst the ruin of a building, which is also surrounded in vases. The puzzle is quite simple: destroy all of the vases. There are 20 vases hidden around the vicinity, and you can destroy them using basic spell casts.
Where to Find all 20 Vases¶
Your best tool for finding all the vases is, of course, Revelio. You’ll find that most of the vases are within the walls of this ruinous arena, but a handful of them are also hidden behind the walls, so make sure to move around and use revelio to find the last few vases. You’ll need to head around the backs of the side walls to destroy a couple of the vases.
(1 of 2) There are 20 vases to destroy
There are 20 vases to destroy (left), don’t forget the cheeky blighters hiding behind the walls! (right)
Once you’ve destroyed all of them, return to Althea Twiddle to tell her the good news and earn your reward - a random wand skin! However, you might be wondering what the statue even does? Well, you’ve just unlocked yourself an enemy arena!
How to Complete South Coast Battle Arena¶
South Coast Battle Arena.
To access this battle arena, you’ll need to return to the mysterious statue and interact with it. You’ll then have to deal with 5 waves of enemies in this relatively small battle arena. These battle arenas are designed to test your combat prowess and are a great way to rack up Enemy Challenges and earn XP. Plus if you fail, you won’t have wasted any resources you might use during the combat challenge. Below, you’ll find a breakdown of each wave so you can prepare accordingly!
- The 1st wave will just be an
Armoured Troll on its own.
- The 2nd wave will be a pack of 7
Dark Mongrels.
- The 3rd wave will be a mix of Dugbogs, Spider enemies and Loyalist Goblins. There will be 9 enemies in total to defeat.
- The 4th wave will be a mix of one
Fighter Troll, several Dark Mongrels and some spider enemies. There are 7 enemies in total to defeat in this wave.
- The 5th and final wave will consist of two armored trolls and several Loyalist goblins. In total, there will be 16 enemies to defeat to complete this wave.
Completing all 5 waves will grant you tons of XP and unlocks the Ashwinder Outfit appearance.
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