Wo Long Fallen Dynasty launches Friday 3rd, March 2023. As you may already know if you play any of Team Ninja’s previous games, such as Nioh & Nioh 2 there will be certain enemies that can’t be defeated until a lot later in the game, but for the time being you can repel, so they stop attacking you whilst you’re exploring. This page will detail everything you need to know about finding and repelling the dragon Xielong in Centuries of Glory Burned Away.
Repelling Xielong will give you the Trophy/Achievement Heroes Will Rise
How To Repel Xielong in Wo Long¶
You’ll come across Xielong during the Main Mission Centuries of Glory Burned Away which takes place towards the end of Part 4 in the Story. Xielong is a huge dragon that can be found standing on top of the roof top to the left side of the area and as you get close to him you’ll be struck with multiple Lightning AoE’s, so you’ll want to keep dodging until it stops to avoid or deflect it. You can avoid this Dragon, but you’ll constantly be struck with lightning which will make dealing with the other enemies harder and you’ll miss out on the Trophy/Achievement Heroes Will Rise.
The good news is you don’t have to defeat Xielong, as all you need to do is deplete his health to around 50% and he’ll fly off which means you’ll most likely have to face him later in the game. In order to repel Xielong you’ll want to climb up onto the wooden platform directly in front of them, then make use of ranged spells/weapons. So, before you go to face him rest at the nearest Battle Flag to restore your Dragon Cure Pots, stock up on arrows and equip the following the spells:
(1 of 2) Equip Ranged Spells
Equip Ranged Spells (left), then stand on the platform in front and shoot him. (right)
Best Spells to Use Against The Dragon Xielong¶
If you’ve not put many points into a specific phase, then these spells can be used pretty early: Lightning Bolt, Frost Lance, Frozen Malice and Frozen Arrow. Additionally, you’ll want to equip Enhanced Defense, as this will reduce the amount of damage taken from the lightning strikes should you get hit. Once you’ve equipped the necessary spells, return to the platform in front of Xielong and activate Enhanced Defense, then spam your spells whilst running around the platform to avoid his attacks. Be sure to not fully fill your stamina bar, as it’ll prevent you from dodging. As mentioned above, once Xielongs health goes down to around 30-50% he’ll disappear and the Trophy/Achievement will pop! Congratulations.
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