This page details a guide for the Unwelcome main quest in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, part of the Battle for the Northern Way story arc in England.
This quest begins immediately after The Swan-Road Home. As you near Halfdan’s settlement, Eivor will notice that there’s something suspicious about the camp; it’s too quiet. The sail will be lowered as the ship moves more cautiously to the shore. Once there, a cutscene will begin, followed by a brief fight.
The warriors you’re fighting here aren’t exactly well disciplined, or well armored. More of a rabble than a unit. However, they can do a fair bit of damage from range if you don’t close the gap. Begin the fight by charging the ranged units further inland. These men will be easy pickings. As you fight, the only thing you really need to look out for is their use of dirt. They have a tendency to throw this in your face, which will briefly disorient those who are hit and make any form of block or parry impossible for a second or two. This isn’t nearly enough of a threat to cause you any problems, so round up the rabble and then loot the surrounding area, before moving on to the longhouse.
(1 of 3) Take out the ranged units as soon as possible when the fight begins.
Meet Yanli and Rowan at Ravensthorpe¶
Sigurd will be waiting for you outside the longhouse, so feel free to take your time looting the docks. Once you enter, a cut scene will begin, during which you will meet Yanli, a merchant, and Rowan, a stable boy. These two will be joining your settlement. After the cutscene, during which a number of weeks will pass as the are is cleaned up and a new settlement name is decided, the quest will complete.
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