Subdistrict | Prerequisite | Type |
The Glen | Street Cred Lv 22 | Thievery |
Going Up or Down? is a Gig (Thievery) which you’ll find in The Glen, Heywood. When you near its location just north of the center of the district you’ll get a call from Padre, provided your Streed Cred is 22 or higher.
(1 of 4) Your options for dealing with El Gallo include direct combat,
Steal the Scandium Rods¶
This is a surprisingly simple Gig. Follow the yellow quest marker to a door, where a… man of questionable employment status and sobriety will warn you against disturbing El Gallo. Go through the door, descend some stairs, then go through another door to reach an underground chamber. Continue forward and search the wall to the left to find an Access Point [Intelligence 10], then continue forward (either path works) to find some stairs leading down.
There are several ways to do this. First, scan for El Gallo, who is walking around below. He’s not the most observant enemy, so you could easily just sneak up on him and perform a takedown, or stealth kill him with a ranged weapon. Once El Gallo is gone, you can just walk up and take the Scandium Rods from a nearby container.
It’s really that easy.
If you want to try talking to El Gallo, simply walk up to him. He surprisingly does not attack (although the stealth/detection meter he has could have understandably let one to think he’d attack on sight), but instead asks you a terse, profanity laden question. It’s a conversation fraught with dead ends:
“You have scandium rods, right?”: Advances the conversation to the next step.
“You won’t get anything fixed in that state.”: Advances the conversation to the next step.
- “Keep talking like that.”: Provokes El Gallo into attacking you.
- “Nope, none at all.”: El Gallo gives you permission to take the rods.
“My client gave me the green light to end you.”: Provokes El Gallo into attacking you.
[Technical 5] “I’ll tell you how to fix them without rods.”: El Gallo gives you permission to take the rods.
“Hey, relax.”: Provokes El Gallo into attacking you.
“Nothing. Just leaving.”: Ends the conversation with El Gallo dismissing you. Getting close to the container holding the Scandium Rods will provoke him.
So, there are two ways you can talk your way into getting the Scandium Rods, just be sure to wait a moment before actually grabbing them, lest El Gallo ends up getting possessive and attacking anyways. Once he’s over by the table to the left, you should be able to safely grab the Scandium Rods and loot whatever else you want from the area. It’s also worth noting you can sneak past El Gallo and steal the rods, or just do a grab-and-run, there’s a good chance El Gallo won’t be able to catch you as you flee with the rods.
If you end up in a fight with El Gallo, note that you’re in a somewhat confined space, which does help him out a bit, as he tries to engage in melee. He pack quite a punch, but he’s somewhat fragile, himself, so you should have no trouble defeating him provided you’re not completely underleveled.
However you go about it, once you have the rods, leave the area and deposit the rods at the drop point to complete the gig.
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