You’ll find 7 Assaults in Progress throughout the Kabuki subdistrict of Watson. These usually involve taking out a small group of enemies before looting a container to complete it.
Assault in Progress #1¶
(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map
Head to this location on the map (left), and collect this container after you’ve cleared the area. (right)
Head Northeast of the Pinewood St Fast Travel to find this Assault in Progress. Here you’ll find a group of enemies gathered outside a garage. Simply take them out with a shotgun or assault rifle, then collect the evidence from inside the garage.
Assault in Progress #2¶
(1 of 2) Head North of the Kabuki: Central Fast Travel to find this Assault in Progress
Head North of the Kabuki: Central Fast Travel to find this Assault in Progress (left), then collect the evidence from behind the van. (right)
Head North of the Kabuki: Central Fast Travel to find this Assault in Progress in a parking garage. Here you’ll find you’ll find three enemies, one with a shotgun, one using melee, and the last using Assault Rifles. As there aren’t many enemies you can just take out the enemies with a shotgun/assault rifle, then collect the evidence from behind the van.
Assault in Progress #3¶
(1 of 2) Head Southeast of the Charter St Fast Travel to find this Assault in Progress
Head Southeast of the Charter St Fast Travel to find this Assault in Progress (left), then collect the evidence from inside the hut. (right)
Head Southwest of the Charter St Fast Travel to find this Assault in Progress taking place in the slums. Here there are a lot of enemies to beware of, but you can acquire the evidence without alerting any of them. To do this, head up the stairs just before the gate then jump across the roofs until you reach the third one, then drop down and collect evidence from inside.
Assault in Progress #4¶
(1 of 2) Head Southwest of the Charter St Fast Travel to find this Assault in Progress
Head Southwest of the Charter St Fast Travel to find this Assault in Progress (left), then collect the evidence from the crate on the roof. (right)
Head Southwest of the Charter St Fast Travel to find this Assault in Progress taking place on the apartment roof. Here you’ll find six enemies, five of which are using assault rifles and one using melee. You’ll be able to do this area quitely by waiting until each enemy faces away from you and then perform a take down. Upon clearing the area, open the crate at the top for the evidence.
Assault in Progress #5¶
(1 of 2) Head North of the Charter St Fast Travel to find this Assault in Progress
Head North of the Charter St Fast Travel to find this Assault in Progress (left), then collect the evidence from the crate in the corner. (right)
Head North of the Charter St Fast Travel to find this Assault in Progress taking place outside a warehouse. Here you’ll find four enemies, two using assault rifles, one using melee, and the last using Shotguns. You’ll be able to go into this with a shotgun/assault rifle and take them down quickly. Upon clearing the area, collect the evidence from the crate in the corner.
Assault in Progress #6¶
(1 of 2) Head Northeast of the Kabuki Market Fast Travel to find this Assault in Progress
Head Northeast of the Kabuki Market Fast Travel to find this Assault in Progress (left), then collect the evidence from the box near the container. (right)
Head Northeast of the Kabuki Market Fast Travel to find this Assault in Progress taking place in a parking lot. Here you’ll find two melee users, one shotgun user, and two using pistols. You can either use the floodlights/Forklift to distract them for a take down or you can just use a shotgun/assault rifle to mow them down. Upon clearing the area, collect the evidence from the bag near the container.
Assault in Progress #7¶
(1 of 2) Head Northwest of the Kennedy North Fast Travel to find this Assault in Progress
Head Northwest of the Kennedy North Fast Travel to find this Assault in Progress (left), then collect the evidence from the body. (right)
Head Northwest of the Kennedy North Fast Travel to find this Assault in Progress taking place on a bridge. Here you’ll only need to face one enemy which is using an assault rifle, but you can use the vending machine to distract her, then go in for a take down. Upon clearing the area, go up the stairs to collect the evidence from the body.
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