You’ll find 3 Assaults in Progress throughout the West Wind Estate subdistrict of Pacifica. These usually involve taking out a small group of enemies before looting a container to complete it.
Assault in Progress #1¶
(1 of 2) Head to the south of West Wind Estate and you’ll find the Assault in Progress
Head to the south of West Wind Estate and you’ll find the Assault in Progress (left), then collect the evidence from the bag near the garage. (right)
Head to the south of West Wind Estate and you’ll find the Assault in Progress taking place on the right side of the highway entrance. Here you’ll find four enemies, three of which are using assault rifles and one is using a shotgun. Take out your most powerful weapon and take them down, then collect the evidence from the bag near the garage.
Assault in Progress #2¶
(1 of 2) Head to the West Side of West Wind Estate you’ll find this Assault in Progress
Head to the West Side of West Wind Estate you’ll find this Assault in Progress (left), then collect the evidence from the body on the floor. (right)
Head to the West Side of West Wind Estate and you’ll find this Assault in Progress taking place under a bridge. Here you’ll find four enemies, two are using assault rifles, one is melee, and one is using a shotgun. Approach the area from the right side and stay close to the left wall and take down the enemies when they are looking away. Finally, collect the evidence from the body.
Assault in Progress #3¶
(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map to find the Assault in Progress on the roof
Head to this location on the map to find the Assault in Progress on the roof (left), then collect the evidence from the suitcase. (right)
Head Southwest from the previous Assault in Progress and you’ll find this one taking place on the Los Osos Rooftop. Here you’ll find three enemies, all of which are using assault rifles. Simply, take a shotgun and take them out, then collect the evidence from the suitcase.
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