You’ll find just the one Suspected Organized Crime Activity in the Coastview subdistrict of Pacifica. These Hustles deal with a group of enemies in a larger area than Assault in Progress and you’ll need to take out all of them before looting the final stash.
Suspected Organized Crime Activity #1¶
In order to get this Hustle underway, head to the southwest of Coastview, west from the Grand Imperial Mall Fast Travel. Once you reach the location from the south, you’ll spot a Turret at the top of the stairs with some enemies at the bottom of them. This is an ideal opportunity to hack the turret if you have the correct Perk otherwise consider overloading it to prevent having to deal with it.
Needless to say, if you switch the Turret to Friendly or take control of it altogether, you’ll be foregoing Stealth however this is still the best way to take out the enemies here provided you have the means. On the Stealth side, you can approach most enemies without being seen due to their standing positions. As you make your way towards the back of the area, remember to either disable or turn friendly the cameras, the final enemies can be found near the ferris wheel.
(1 of 4) Either turn this turret friendly or destroy it before you begin
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