You’ll find just the one Reported Crime Hustle in the Charter Hill subdistrict of Westbrook. These Hustles deal with finding a corpse that will usually lead to loot somewhere else upon looking at the nearby clues.
You Play with Fire…¶
To begin this Hustle, make your way to the southeast of Charter Hill and east of the Dynalar Fast Travel. Once you reach the area, you’ll spot a group of Robots, all of which are weak to Electricity so either use EMP grenades, the Short Circuit Quickhack or any other means of weaponry at your disposal to kill them. Once the area is clear, search the nearby body to obtain the Shard to gain your next clue.
Your next location is only a short journey to the south, head across the road and head through the gap in the fence. Follow the objective marker to a door and inside you’ll find the Stash unattended, collect the loot to complete the Hustle.
(1 of 4) You’ll encounter both Robots and Netrunners here
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