This page offers a guide on how to complete Susuyai Shrine, which is found in
Central Hyrule in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
Where to Find Susuyai Shrine¶
You can find Susuyai Shrine in the southwest region of Central Hyrule, between the Passeri Greenbelt and Mount Daphnes (Map Marker).
Susuyai Shrine: A Spinning Device.
Susuyai Shrine: How to Get the Treasure¶
As you first approach the room, you’ll notice three car-like contraptions crossing a road at a fast pace. The center cart is holding a chest that you’ll want to reach to get some loot! You can use a few different methods including recall or ultrahand. Ultrahand is a bit easier as you can pick up the cart and pull it to a safe location. Watch you don’t get run over by the other carts as they do hurt! The chest contains x5 arrows.
Grab the cart with the treasure chest!
Once you’ve grabbed the treasure head over to the other side of the road part. Here, you can choose to either build your own cart from the materials by replicating the other carts. Or you can save yourself some time and grab one of the carts from the road. Make sure the wheels are turned off and align it on the moving slope up ahead. The arrows on the wheels need to be facing away from you too.
After safely placing yourself on the cart hit a wheel to turn them all on and ride safely to the other side of the shrine.
Susuyai Shrine: How to Open the Gate¶
In order to open the gate that’s blocking your way. The gate can be opened by turning the winch type mechanic to the right. But it won’t stay open unless it’s being pushed. You’ll want to use the cart to the right and place it against one of the handles. Turn on the cart and it’ll push against the winch for a short period of time. Pass through the gate quickly as it’ll eventually shut behind you.
Use the car to push against the handles to open the gate.
Susuyai Shrine: Zipline Puzzle¶
In this next room, you’ll find a hanging platform on a zipwire. Unfortunately it isn’t moving, but you have been given some powered wheels. The solution is pretty straightforward thankfully. Firstly, equip ultrahand and remove the hanging platform from the zipline and place it on the ground. Next pick up one of the wheels and place it inside the gap of the hanger, at the top (see picture below). Make sure the wheel’s arrows are pointing away from you so that when you attach it so that when you place the hanger back on the hook, it’ll make the contraption move forwards rather than backwards.
(1 of 2) Place the wheel inside the gap in the hanger and attach it to the top
Place the wheel inside the gap in the hanger and attach it to the top (left), then place it on the zipline and get on! (right)
When you place the hanger back on the zipline, the wheel should sit on top of the zipline. Hop onto the platform and give it a thwack to get it going. At the other end of the zipline you’ll find the end of the shrine where you can claim your Light of Blessing.
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