The Snake Nest Deal is a side quest that can be found within Dock Town during the Signs and Portents Main Quest. It’ll require you to track down a gentleman named Atticus and this page will provide you with the necessary tips to finding him.
Sabina wants you to investigate her husbands disappearance
Table of Contents¶
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The Snake Nest Deal Starting Location¶
Once you’ve reached the main quest Signs and Portents, head over to the Ferryman Row which is located in Dock Town and speak with Sabina. Here you’ll learn that her husband was assisting some friends and hasn’t come back, so she wants you to investigate the situation.
Find Atticus¶
You’ll now want to follow the path around to the northeast until you have to go through the Urthemiel Venue, then the Snake Nest can be found in the corner. Head inside and investigate the fireplace and read the Record Book of Linus Prosper which can be found on the table on the opposite side, then speak with the bartender who can be found nearby. She says she knows nothing, so go back outside and inspect the Crumbled Note which is found on the opposite side of the street.
(1 of 2) Investigate the crumbled note
Investigate the crumbled note (left), and then climb up the ladder to find some bloodstained clothes. (right)
Climb up the ladder and follow the blood trail to the end to find some bloodstained clothes, then make your way into the nearby rooftop apartment and read the Task List and Linus Journey. After further investigation, Rook believes the bartender does indeed know something, so head back and speak to her again, then use the key and enter the storage room which is found across the street. Interact with the bookshelf to reveal a hidden room, then read the Linus’s Storage Notes.
(1 of 2) Shoot down the beam
Shoot down the beam (left), and place the crystal into the device on the other side. (right)
Unlock the elevator via the nearby lever, then take it down to the catacombs. Drop down into the gap and destroy the wooden planks, then slide down into the room below and inspect the Child’s Drawing and Blood-Smeared Page. Climb over the wall and open the door with the recently acquired key to reveal a crystal and a gear chest. Open the cage to find the Stash of Victim’s Belonging and shoot down the nearby beam, then walk across with the crystal and place it into the device beside the door to reveal a portal.
The Snake Nest Deal Quest Rewards¶
Return to the previous room and grab the second crystal, then walk through the portal and place it onto the device ahead to create a platform. Head across and use the zipline, then speak with Sabina to bring the quest to a close. For completing the quest, you’ll get 500 XP, 100 Shadow Dragons Strength and a Bleeding Shard.
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